Square on Fifth
  • Living-room-2
    Sold Out

    Two Bedroom

    • 2 Bed
    • 2 Bath
    • 921 Sqft


    • Private Bedrooms/Bathrooms
    • Furnished with Full Kitchen
    • Washer/Dryer & 42” TV"
    See Two Bedroom

    From $1,425/Month/Bed

    Three Bedroom

    • 3 Bed
    • 3 Bath
    • 1,210 - 1,242 Sqft


    • Private Bedrooms/Bathrooms
    • Furnished with Full Kitchen
    • Washer/Dryer & 42” TV"
    See Three Bedroom

    From $1,390/Month/Bed

    Four Bedroom

    • 4 Bed
    • 4 Bath
    • 1,518 - 1,589 Sqft


    • Private Bedrooms/Bathrooms
    • Furnished with Full Kitchen
    • Washer/Dryer & 42” TV"
    See Four Bedroom
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