Square on Fifth
  • Living-room-2
    Sold Out

    Two Bedroom

    • 2 Bed
    • 2 Bath
    • 921 Sqft


    • Private Bedrooms/Bathrooms
    • Furnished with Full Kitchen
    • Washer/Dryer & 42” TV"
    See Two Bedroom

    From $1,425/Month/Bed

    Three Bedroom

    • 3 Bed
    • 3 Bath
    • 1,210 - 1,242 Sqft


    • Private Bedrooms/Bathrooms
    • Furnished with Full Kitchen
    • Washer/Dryer & 42” TV"
    See Three Bedroom

    From $1,390/Month/Bed

    Four Bedroom

    • 4 Bed
    • 4 Bath
    • 1,518 - 1,589 Sqft


    • Private Bedrooms/Bathrooms
    • Furnished with Full Kitchen
    • Washer/Dryer & 42” TV"
    See Four Bedroom
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Apply in Less Than 10 Minutes

Our online application makes it easy to take your first step in securing your new apartment. The online application can be completed in about 10 minutes and is entirely online through our application portal. Just click “Apply Now” on the website to get started!

Create an Account

You will start by selecting your lease term and floor plan. If you already have future roommates in mind, be sure that everyone selects that same floor plan when applying.

You will then create an account that will be used for the application, online lease signing, and your future Resident Portal access. Your login can also be used to save your progress so you can log back in at any time to complete your application or check its status.


After confirming your floor plan and lease term, you will be asked if there are any add-ons to your application, which include parking, pets, and renter’s insurance. Some communities charge for parking and have limited parking availability, so these spaces must be reserved in advance as part of the application. Our pet policy is listed on the application and the onsite management team can provide information about this as needed.

All residents are required to carry renter’s insurance per the terms of the lease agreement. We offer a low-cost renter’s insurance program for residents who do not provide confirmation of their renter’s insurance following move-in.